不要讓恐懼決定你的未來。艾德:我發現我得了癌症時,感覺就像我被判處死刑。可怕的想法穿過我的腦海:“我怎麼告訴我們的女兒嗎?“我是強大的,不可戰勝的dad-now這個。我決定讓他們有信心,我要盡我所能努力學習。他們必須看到,盡管我很害怕,我不會放棄。我們沒有問題為什麼會這樣,但是相反,我們問,如何可以治療癌症嗎?我完成了治療計劃腫瘤學家推薦,但治療沒有像預期的那樣工作。盡管我和桑迪是害怕,擔心和不確定我的結果,我們沒有放棄。我們知道如果我仍然在標準治療方案,結果也不會好。桑迪臨床試驗,研究新的放射治療選項和先進的基因測試。我們想盡了一切。 At this point, I knew I’d need to leave the oncologist I had trusted for 18 months to try other treatment options, travel to a new facility and trust a new doctor. My fears resurfaced, as if I was starting all over again from square one. I knew I had to make this change, and I did. I began a new treatment plan that I chose with my new oncologist. After several weeks, it was clear that, with the new treatment plan, I was making very good progress. I know that everyone may not have the same results, but this story is about our approach to our journey, not the destination. No matter what my outcome ends up being, Sandy and I know that we fought a good fight, and we found and used valuable tools for our journey. I’ve been a survivor, not a victim, during my treatment. Don’t give up hope, and trust in your faith.