可以哭或生氣。我與某人不久前說,“沒關係生氣或哭泣。可以感受到這些情緒。但不要被困在那裏。“這真的使我產生了共鳴,因為它是如此容易落入平靜的恐懼和黑暗當麵對癌症。我知道,因為我一直在那裏。在我爸爸的診斷,有很多搞哭。憤怒。的不滿。很多的不滿。所以,當我聽到這些話,這是一個強有力的提醒,可以做這一切。 The important part is not to get so caught up in it that you become stuck. I sometimes forget that there are still more tomorrows. There are still new days ahead. If we’re always crying or upset, I can only wonder how that would make our loved ones feel. It’s important to remember that, while you may still have these “off” days, don’t lose sight of the bigger picture. You have to be strong, not just for yourself, but for the one who’s going through cancer. You’ve heard the quote, “There’s no ‘I’ in team.” I believe the same could be said for cancer. There’s no “I” in cancer, because everyone is going through it.